Peel L&P’s Greenway project approved by Wirral Council
Published: 3 November 2021Plans for a major new green public realm project within the MEA Park neighbourhood of Wirral Waters have been approved by Wirral Council.
Plans for a major new green public realm project within the MEA Park neighbourhood of Wirral Waters have been approved by Wirral Council.
Plans for a major new green public realm project within the MEA Park neighbourhood of Wirral Waters have been approved by Wirral Council.
Peel L&P’s Greenway project, which forms a key part of the Wirral Waters Active Travel Action Plan, will provide a walkway and off-road cycle route along the north side of Beaufort Road and the east side of Wallasey Bridge Road, providing an attractive and sustainable boundary to the MEA Park development and improved travel corridor for those living or working at Wirral Waters and beyond. The Greenway will be separated from the road via an attractive landscaped corridor, incorporating sustainable drainage, trees and a wildflower meadow.
The Wirral Waters Active Travel Action Plan, launched in June, sets out five key actions and a range of specific projects, which will help it to realise its ambition in making Wirral Waters the most cyclist and pedestrian friendly development in the UK.
The Greenway project has been part funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and forms part of The Liverpool City Region Green Sustainable Travel Corridors project.
The Greenway will pave the way for the next stage of building and development at MEA Park by providing the initial infrastructure from which further development can occur. It will also help to make MEA Park – a waterside logistics, port and manufacturing campus and part of the LCR Freeport – ‘investment ready’.
This is the latest public realm project to be given the go-ahead by Wirral Council and represents the continuation of a much wider programme of streetscape, dock edge and new city squares that are being delivered across the wider Wirral Waters project.
Richard Mawdsley, Peel L&P’s Director of Development at Wirral Waters, said: “Wirral Council’s approval of the Greenway project signals the start of the redevelopment of the West Float neighbourhood and will play a key part in the delivery of MEA Park by improving the environment and linking it to the surrounding areas.
“These public realm improvements will improve the environment and provide further market confidence to investors and businesses looking to relocate to MEA Park. They will also make it easier for new employees and visitors to the West Float neighbourhood to walk, cycle or use public transport, enhancing the health and wellbeing of future residents and workers.”
Alan Evans, Director of Regeneration and Place at Wirral Council, said: “This is another important milestone in the development of Wirral Waters, which is itself a key part of Wirral’s wider, ambitious regeneration plans which are moving ahead across the borough. The dockland areas are already seeing major transformation and work is moving at pace. The Greenway project will further add to the attractiveness of Wirral Waters for future residents and businesses.”